Who is CoachABA appropriate for?
CoachABA is supervision to individuals who are accruing experience hours under the current edition of the BCBA Task List(s) or Test Content Outline.

Who is CoachABA appropriate for?
CoachABA is supervision to individuals who are accruing experience hours under the current edition of the BCBA Task List(s) or Test Content Outline.
What does your program provide?
CoachABA is proud to have a well-rounded, full service program available to you. Our supervision includes:
- Access to multiple supervisors
- Individual and group supervision
- Materials related to task list items
- Training and technical assistance
- Clinical consultation
- And more!
When does CoachABA provide services?
Supervision is person-centered and dependent on the need of the supervisee. Services outside of supervision are by appointment only.
Where are you located?
CoachABA is located in Lexington, Kentucky, in the Chevy Chase Area; however, we offer supervision in person and virtually.
Why was CoachABA created?
To be fully transparent – because we know how hard it is to find quality supervision for current students and graduates of ABA Master’s programs, particularly programs that are online. Difficulty aside, we also wanted to provide supervisees with more than basic supervision. Our hope is to assure you meet all BACB requirements for supervision while also providing clinical support, building your overall knowledge in ABA, and preparing you for the BACB exam.
How do I get started?
That part’s easy – contact us today!